MY NAME IS SELINDA and I am a sensitive, someone in tune with strange happenings. What I thought was normal growing up, I found out later was paranormal. Ever since I was a little girl, I've experienced some pretty ghostly creepy things! As long as I can remember, I've had a ghost that follows me around. I have seen and heard some pretty strange things in my life; things that could not be explained so I thought I'd put them in short ghost stories to help educate and find others who have similar experiences.

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you had a strange ghostly creepy experience
DO YOU HAVE A SCARY HORROR STORY TO TELL? There are people who live in haunted houses. Are you one of them? Have you visited a haunted hotel lately? Or are YOU the one that is being haunted? Well, let me tell you, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! 

After several experiences and my own fascination with spirits, hauntings, and the paranormal, I decided to create a website dedicated to bringing you only real accounts of the paranormal. This website will explore the strange, the unexplained, and the paranormal. You won't find fictional scary stories here. This is: GHOSTLYCREEPY 
a website of true hauntings,
ghost stories and real paranormal events that happened to people like you. I will tell you about some of my strange experiences and I invite you to share your own ghostly creepy experiences and photos of the paranormal. 

Selinda, six years old.
email me
                                         Copyright 2011 Ghostly Creepy: Short Ghost Stories. All Rights Reserved