
If you have a paranormal account you want to share, please submit it to 
Ghostlycreepy and we will include it under Ghostwriters.
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Posted:  Friday, July 8, 2011

​     Hello, I am not sure where to go about this issue my boyfriend and I are having.  I am currently pregnant with my first baby and I am starting to get worried about bringing the baby in the apartment when he is born.  We are thinking about getting our apartment blessed before the baby is born, but the problem is we are not religious.  We do not go to church.  

Lately, we have been hearing banging from above. We are on the top level.  There have been multiple occurences where I feel so tired, not only from pregnancy but I feel like I am drugged and all of my energy is being sucked from me.  It was so bad to where I could not keep my eyes open and when I went to get up after taking that long nap, I was stumbling around just to go to the bathroom.  My boyfriend has also experienced this also.  
Just yesterday we experienced my boyfriends' phone change songs on its own.  It never does that and it was during the day.  What should we do?  Are we over reacting?

Dear " S " you are not over reacting.  These are strange ocurrences indeed. I can understand your concern for the safety of your unborn child.You mentioned  that you and your boyfriend are thinking
about getting your apartment blessed.  This is a good idea.  It doesn't matter if neither one of you are very religious . 

A blessing might subdue some of the activity. If you can't get a priest or someone to do the blessing, you can do it yourselves.  Get a bottle of holy water.  (It's available in many places.) Do you know the Lord's Prayer?  It is POWERFUL! Spray holy water throughout your apartment while reciting the "Our Father..."shout forcefully to the entity: "This is my home.  Return to whence you came."

It sounds like you have a lot of  negative energy attached to the apartment.  I don't like that this entity is sucking your energy. Do you know who use to live in there before you moved in?Do you know if anyone died there? You could have an entity or spirit that hasn't moved on.  I am concerned  for you and your baby.  Remember your health is the most important issue right now.  Remember to tell the entity:

"LEAVE.  YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.  THIS IS MY HOME!"    It is important to confront this energy by taking power of your home. Show it you are not afraid. Burning sage in every room of your home is also very effective.  But since you are in an apartment, this will trigger the fire alarm.

Please Keep me posted if you continue to experience paranormal activity!  


On Oct 23, 2011 12:26 PM, "selinda s" <> wrote:

  I wanted to follow up and see if "weird things" are still happening in your apartment. I answered your question and hope it was helpful. Has your baby been born yet? I hope everyone in your family is healthy and well. Please keep me posted on whether or not you are still at the same apartment and whether or not you are feeling better and not energy depleted.

hello! I am glad to say that there has been no more weird noises, or anything like before. thank you for keeping me in mind :) 

yes he was just born on the 28th. He's healthy and getting used to those lungs of his. (he probably scared the poor ghost already) lol 

thanks again for writing back. 

​       Sheena

posted:  2/13/11

           I was on my own in our recently purchased two story Victorian home.  My husband was away on business and would be gone for at least a week.  We had been living there for over a month and I still had not explored every nook and cranny.  I had spent most of my day cleaning.  

While in the attic, I found a music box.  It was old and dusty but it had retained its beautiful wooden carvings.  The music box must have been at least 50 years old.  I opened it and to my surprise it played a haunting little melody.  After a long day of polishing and cleaning, I finally retired for the night.

Sometime around 3:00 in the morning, I heard faint music.  At first I thought I was dreaming.  Then I realized the haunting music was coming from inside my room!  I opened my eyes and spotted the music on my dresser.  I turned around and there in the middle of the room was a woman.  I rubbed my eyes thinking I was imagining things, but I wasn't.  I sat up quietly and watched in horror.  I could see right through her!  She seemed to be wearing a long flowing dress and was dancing to the music.  Her arms were swaying back and forth.  She appeared to be floating above the ground!  After the melody gradually came to a stop, the woman mysteriously faded and disappeared.  Needless to say, I didn't sleep the rest of the night.  Later I did some research and learned that some ghosts become attached to houses or even objects.  

I can only guess that the antique music box was hers.  So who was this ghost?  What did she want? Was she there because of the house?  Or was she coming for her music box?  Have U ever seen a ghost?

Dear " T "
Thank you for your story and yes, I have seen a ghost.  Sometimes houses come with ghostly impressions or energy.  Sometimes objects have attachments.  Have you seen the show "Haunted Collector?"  
This show on the paranormal focuses on hauntings associated or attached to objects.  It is possible that your dancing ghost was a residual energy.  Apparitions sometimes appear doing something they did during their life.  If it is associated with the music box, then perhaps she is trying to communicate with you or trying to let you know the music box is hers!


         I live with my 5 children and we have all experienced paranormal activity!  When we first moved here about 4 months ago strange things started happening right away.  I myself  have heard someone playing a guitar right in my ear and when I popped up the music then got farther away like it was in the basement.  I have also heard small children crying in the basement.

One night a couple of weeks ago, I was laying on the coach.  It was about midnight.  As I glanced up the steps, I saw a mid to bright light.  No one was up there and everyone else was asleep!  So, I looked outside to make sure the light was not coming from outside.  In order for that to be the case, someone would have had to be standing on the roof shining a light in the window.  I know that was not the case.  As I continued to watch upstairs, the light slowly started to diminsh and was gone.  Oh yeah, the light looked as if it was blinking.  My kids have also heard strange things and a neighbor was outside taking his trash out and saw the light go on and off a couple of times.  Well those are just a couple of strange things that have been happening.  I myself and my middle son are very intrigued by the paranormal and we are going to do some of our own ghost hunting.  

​Thank you " J " 
for sharing your personal account of the strange and unexplainable events taking place in your house.Good Luck with your ghost hunting and keep us posted on any more GHOSTLY CREEPY activity!

Ghostwriter :

Lydia Squires
This is her paranormal 

           I was vacationing with my daughters and my family in Pennsylvania.
We had already seen the historical "JennieWade" House,  the sight of the only civilian casualty in the battle of Gettysburg, 20 year old Jennie.  We saw the bullet holes at the door, and at the mantel.  I marvelled at the home and the historic events that unfolded so many years ago. The ghostly tour and museum was interesting and we later headed to  a restaurant not far away to eat dinner.  By the time we finished and headed back to the parking lot, it was almost dark.  Almost infront of the parking lot, maybe a few hundred feet away, was a cemetery.  

My daughters were busy talking amongst themselves about the tour and the events of the day.  We walked towards the  car.  I happened to glance at the cemetery in the nearby distance directly infront of me.  Then I saw him, a man  in a scruffy hat walking past the tombstones.  

He seemed to shuffle across the cemetery towards the left.  No one seemed to notice him, but I didn't take my eyes off of this man.  I admired his authentic period uniform.  He looked like he had just stepped out of the civil war.  "He must be one of the reenactment actors" I told myself. Despite the  early evening darkness descending , he seemed to be somewhat luminescent. As he walked behind a gravestone, he suddenly disappeared!  I kept staring expecting him to reappear from behind the tombstone.  He never did.  I told my daughters and everyone in my party.  No one seemed to believe me.  They thought I was imagining things.  "Perhaps you saw a worker," someone said.  "I know what I saw.  I  clearly saw a man  as real and solid as you or I."  This was not my imagination and he was not a gravedigger or worker.  This was a man from another time.  I believe I saw a ghost!

Thank you Sharon for sharing your ghostly experience.  I believe you! Gettysburg as well as other civil war sites where so many soldiers lost their lives are said to be very haunted.  Some of them are restless spirits. May  ghostly apparitions have been reported, especially  in Gettysburg.
This is her paranormal 
Ghostwriter "S"
This is her paranormal 

Ghostwriter "J "
This is her paranormal 



posted: 5/20/11


   I have posted this all over the web in an effort to find out more about the artist or to find out why these things are happening but so far my efforts have been unsuccessful.  I'll give you the background on the painting.  

My Grandmother had this painting in her attic for 25 years.  She said it was evil.  She told us she use to see the dark figure of a man around the house and at night she heard strange noises and crying.  

She told me the artist, committed suicide shortly after finishing it and that he had used his own blood mixed in with the oils.  After she died we got the painting, it is currently in our basement.  Shortly after we got the painting various members of the family started seeing the dark figure of a man.  At night we began hearing noises and just recently we have heard crying and moaning.  The painting is still in our house and although I never believed in the supernatural I am now convinced there is something evil about this painting.  People from all over the world have contacted me about the painting and I have had lots of offers from people wishing to buy it but I don't want to sell it.  I just want to find out what is happening.  I don't know if the background story is true but I do know there is something very unsettling about the painting.  


Dear Sean Robinson
I've seen all your footage on youtube and I have to admit your painting of 
"THE ANGUISHED MAN" is quite compelling.  But since I'm not there in person to study your case or to pick up on any spirit energy, I'm going to suggest you contact a medium.  You can opt not to tell him or her anything.  The most gifted mediums actually prefer you don't tell them anything as they can pick up naturally from the energy in the room.  You can also have the medium touch the painting.  This is called psychometry. He or she might be able to pick up on the historical background of your mysterious painting and shed light on your even more mysterious  and anonymous painter.  

 UPDATE on "THE ANGUSHED MAN" painting by it's owner:

Sean Robinson:

Hi, I had to take the painting out of storage for an interview with a TV show so I decided to once again record overnight. I recorded for six hours and along with the usual noises I recorded a smoke like mist. At first it looks like smoke rising then it suddenly seems to take another form and change direction. There is no way there could have been any smoke or mist in that room. 

I also recorded many noises, such as bangs and scraping sounds but they were similar to the sounds in my previous video so I have just uploaded the light anomalies for now. After recording this my son fell down the stairs and is convinced something pushed him. We are still hearing noises and sensing a strange presence around the house. I have no explanation for the lights in this video - Sean Robinson 




                    My parent's home has had a lot of ghostly activity.  My 
                    mother and sister  have seen things in their peripheral vision 
                    and have heard things. 

        This past Halloween, we were taking pictures of our kids in their costumes in front of the fireplace and a purple haze with facial features showed up in the mirror over the mantle in one of the pictures!  Then last week, I thought I'd take a picture again in that area, hoping to catch another strange sighting in the mirror.  I used the camera on my phone.  Right after I took that picture, ALL MY PICTURES and videos were erased from my phone - - completely gone!

I tried turning my phone on and off and could not retrieve them.  This lasted a week.  Suddenly this morning, all of the pictures and videos are back.  But the set up is totally different. This has never happened before and I can't help but think that it wasn't a coincidence that I lost my pictures right after I attempted to retrieve some ghostly evidence.  

Do you think that a ghost could've done this?  Do you think I ticked them off?

Thanks, Lydia

Yes, it is possible that a ghost or something paranormal happened to prevent 
you from getting your "ghostly evidence."  Many times ghosts make themselves known either by manifesting or by tapping sounds.  Sometimes they will mess 
with your electronic devices.  It is also possible that your  ghost did not want you 
to capture ghostly evidence.  Do you have any idea who might be haunting your parents' home?   

Do you still have the picture with the purple haze and facial features?  If you managed to save any pictures or video with paranormal activity, please share it. We'd  love to feature your ghostly evidence on our website!  Thanks again 
Lydia for sharing your ghostlycreepy experience!


This is his paranormal 