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Strange, unexplainable, paranormal
South Florida
August 13, 2011

 Dear Selinda:

         I had a couple of experiences which I have not been able to objectively explain.  After I became divorced I would sleep alone in my room and one night while I was sleeping, I woke up and felt and saw the presence of what appeared to be a woman in a long dress standing opposite my bed.  I genuinely do not know if this was a dream and I just carried it to the conscious level when I awoke, but it felt real.  

Several months later an even stranger situation occurred.  As I was about to doze off, I suddenly felt like something or somebody was putting pressure on the mattress as if feet or hands were moving next to my body.  The feeling was very real and somewhat scary.  This time I felt the movement and in my panic  I froze and for some strange reason my only reaction was to start praying "Our Father" and after that the experience went away.  Again, I still do not know if this was my mind playing games with me during my sleep or if it was another type of experience which I cannot explain or refuse to easily accept.  What is your insight on these two experiences?  



              Dear Leo,

          Thank you for sharing your personal experiences.  You said this happened after you divorced?  It is possible that you were feeling alone and were in an especially vulnerable state.  It is believed that "succubus" or "hags" attack people when they are sleeping often rendering them immobile.  It is like "sleep paralysis."  But to the victim, it is very real and frightening.  When we are sleeping, we are at our  most vulnerable.   "Incubus" and "succubus" entities prey upon the sleeper.  The female demon entity called a "succubus" sexually preys on a man.  The male counterpart, an "incubus" is believed to attack women when they are asleep.  

However, sometimes our own psyche can conjure what appears to feel like a real experience.  One can't completely discount the fact that our minds can create these experiences.  If you saw a ghost, you might want to investigate and see if the previous owner experienced anything paranormal.  Demons, in my opinion are very real and have the ability to disguise themselves and can even mimic voices.  As for praying the Lord's Prayer,  I have often found it to be extremely effective especially when attacked by evil spirits or demons.    

Read "Demon"  ghoststories , a true account.   You might notice some similarities to your own paranormal experience.  It would be interesting to find out if a previous owner had any strange things or paranormal experiences in your home.  Please keep me posted. 









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Laredo, Texas
November 11, 2011

Dear Selinda,

         I was running at the high school track and ran into one of my friends, security guard A. Rivera.  He introduced me to another official from the Laredo PD who was with him.  During our conversation, he commented about "the ghost" at the local high school. At first I thought he was pulling my leg.  But in all seriousness he said that everyone knew of the ghost of a female student who died  suddenly in an accident.  The other official nodded and said "Oh yes, that's Becky."  He said several students, teachers, and custodians had reportedly seen the apparition.  For security purposes,  The Principal of the school is said to have closed off the staircase where the student fell and perished. 

 Then he relayed something that happened to him.  Officer Villareal said he had seen a video recorded with the security cameras on campus.  The lights in the computer lab seemed to have been turned on setting off the school alarm.  The district police and  officer Villareal went to the school to investigate.  The officers on the scene found only closed doors and couldn't explain the lights that had turned on.  When they reviewed the video, to their surprise the police saw a figure or ghostly apparition in the computer lab moving books and other objects.  The time log and ID of the video log was noted and it is hard to refute the evidence.  Unfortunately for security reasons and because it took place at a school, the video could not be released.  But the school police could not explain the strange paranormal activity.  

Why would this ghost haunt the school?   R.G.

Dear R.G,
     Sometimes ghosts get grounded in the place of their demise.  Unfortunately, some don't even realize they have passed, especially if they died tragically and unexpectedly.  It is possible that "Becky" is still around on campus in the places she frequented such as the computer lab.  It is possible to get a medium to help her move on to the other side.  But it might be difficult, since this is at a school and under the jurisdiction of the school district.  If "Becky" died recently, it is also possible that she will eventually move on.  I certainly hope so.

April 15th, 2012

Dear Selinda,

        For the past couple months, I have encountered several paranormal experiences.  And they all creeped me out, but I have never told them to anyone before.  Oh, and please don't mind my buggy English, I live in the Netherlands... So here goes...

        This happened 2 months ago.  I was sitting peacefully in my house, alone.  ( I live in an old house in The Netherlands.  It was built around1940) My boyfriend was out with friends, so I was completely alone in the house.  I got bored and turned the television on.  When I zapped through channels, I noticed some noises coming from the kitchen.  I just ignored the sounds and kept zapping.  When I found the right channel, I heard my kitchen door creaking, I got a little frightened, because I remembered the door was shut tightly.  I was pretty curious, so I walked to my kitchen door and peeked inside.  I didn't see anything.  A little scared, I shut the door and walked back to my couch and sat down.  Not much later I heard something that sounded like evil laughter coming from the kitchen.  I was shocked!  I was sitting there paralyzed and silent.  I finally got my senses back a little.  I walked to the kitchen and slowly opened the door, unprepared for what I was about to see.  

To my shock, I saw a dark, tall shadow shaped like a man, standing there in the kitchen.  He was staring at me with big, shiny, red eyes.  

           I never really had a paranormal experience before, but I immediately knew what was staring at me was a demonic creature.  I got really nervous and started shaking.  After a few terrifying seconds, I shut the door, got my stuff and ran outside to the neighbors.  I stayed that night at my neighbors till my boyfirend came home.  I don't really have a specific question, but could you maybe explain what happened?


Dear Lena,

Thank you for sharing your ghostlycreepy experience. Being confronted by a demonic creature is frightening. To understand what happened or more importantly why it happened, I would have to know something about your house or perhaps the people who lived in it before you moved in.  

Houses retain energy and memory of past events. You said your house was built in the 40's. Well, your house is old.  Perhaps  the strange experiences stem from where your house is located. Did any tragic events happen close to your property? A Murder? 

The dark figure you came across sounds like an evil entity. I'm not sure why he was there in your kitchen. Something happened that either keeps him "grounded" at your house or he is an attachment to you or your boyfriend. Do you know the history of your house? Has your boyfriend had any experiences in your house? Have you or friends, conjured up spirits or "uninvited guests" by having seances, or played with ouiga boards? I have to ask, because sometimes a simple game can invite spirits in to your house. They can be removed but there is a process involved.  

 One of the pro-active things you can do is to use holy water and burn sage. Hold the sage while the tips burn and whisk the smoke in every room of your house especially in your kitchen. Recite prayers (like the Our Father) while you do the "cleansing." You might have to do this for several days. Tell "it" to leave and that it is not welcomed in your house "in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command you to vacate my premises never to return." Repeat this process several times. "Leave my house return to whence you came in the name of our Lord, in the name of our Father".....

What ever your religious beliefs, stand firm and reclaim back your home. Confront the evil entity.  Evil spirits build strength from fear.  Try not to show that you are afraid. Be brave.  If you prefer to get someone to bless your home or would rather  get a pastor, ministor, priest, shaman, or  a religious person of the cloth to do the "cleansing"  then you can do that too.

Remember that evil entities move away from prayer and do not like holy water being sprinkled or sprayed where they reside.

Good luck Lena.  Please keep us posted on any further paranormal experiences.



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